welcome to Mayday-MayJay's MAS spritepack commission page!

please read through my rules/pricing/etc before sending a request!

i use $/USD currency rates, so please plan conversions ahead of time accordingly

all prices here are base prices and i may ask for more if you give complex requests

click the buttons up top to navigate, click the bottom heart button to go to my kofi at any time, and the home button to come back here


  • long sleeve/full clothes ⭑ 30$ for shirts/outfits with majority of arms covered with sleeves or arm accessories

  • short sleeve/shirt + arm pieces ⭑ 25$ for shirts with only some of/upper-arms covered with sleeves or arm accessories

  • tanktop/no sleeves ⭑ 20$ for shirts with 0 sleeves or arm accessories

  • highlights for body are 2$ and for arms are also 2$

table acs

  • 5$ per acs

  • will be coded (unless asked otherwise) to work with the most fitting table acs selector, or for the left, right, and regular table selectors

  • highlights cost nothing extra

non split-acs

  • 5$ per acs

  • an acs that doesn't use the arm split, like hairclips, hats, headpieces, earrings, etc

  • will be coded for the most fitting acs selector unless told a specific one to use

  • extra $2 if new selector asked to be made for it, the selector will be released publicly regardless of spritepack being public/private

  • highlights cost nothing extra


  • 10$ per acs

  • an acs that uses the arm split, like nail polish and arm tattoos

  • will be coded for the most fitting acs selector unless told a specific one to use

  • extra $2 if new selector asked to be made for it, the selector will be released publicly regardless of spritepack being public/private

  • highlights cost 2$

⭑ misc stuff (edits, reskins, etc) ⭑

minigames recolor/reskins

  • pong ⭑ 3$ ⭑ new pong background with fitting pong ball shape and pong paddles (white and black version included for visibility concerns)

  • NOU ⭑ 15$ for custom cards / 10$ for custom table and note/pen

  • chess ⭑ 5$ for a chess board + recolor of base mod or my redux chess pieces + 5$ if pieces are custom made too

recolors of pre-existing spritepacks

these work differently then my regular commissions, i will only recolor work if it's either; from the official spritepacks pack, one of my works, or if can get/find permission from the original maker the spritepack of your choice comes from

5$ is a base price, we'll need to talk over it more in dms


by commissioning me, you agree to these rules/TOS and that breaking these boundaries may result in getting your request declined/refunded, as well as you getting potentially blocked and put on a watch list for other spritepack artists to avoid working with you

  • i have the right to refuse a request for any reason

  • i have the right to stop a commission and refund it

  • i have the right to add a finished pack to my portfolio unless specifically asked otherwise in advance

  • you have to keep in contact with me while i make your commission

  • no MAJOR changes after the drafting phase is done

  • don't claim that you or someone else have drawn a finished spritepack i make

  • i will not release majorly-NSFW packs to public spaces that don't allow 18+ content (MAS Github submissions, r/MASFandom, MASC discord, etc)

  • i will not haggle down pricing

  • i will not put your slot first on my todo list

what i won't draw

  • complex mechanical parts

  • transparent long sleeves

  • exact copies of existing spritepacks for the purpose of having an offbrand private spritepack or having another public spritepack thats ""drawn better"" then the existing one ⭑ willing to make inspired pieces though

  • no clothes for total base changes (ex; male vers of monika)

ordering process + contact

here is how the commissioning process is going to go:1. you contact me either at: u/mayday-mayjay, [email protected], or DJMayJay#2001 and i respond when i have a free spot in my schedule. we'll talk about details, stuff you'll want if/when i code it, and whether its public/private when finished
2. i'll make a rough sketch + rough color/shading and show you, this is where you talk abt things you want changed, i will keep coming back with sketches until i have the right idea of what you want
3. after you are happy with my sketch you will purchase an available base price slot at -my kofi here- . i will then ask you to use the donate option on my kofi to send any additional payment (if needed) before starting on a spritepack, if not then ill start ASAP
4. the pack will take a few days up to a week to make. during this time you can ask for follow ups/i will give small previews along the way myself
5. your pack will either be file zipped to you or put in a priv google drive and sent to you that way. i'll ask one more time on if you want the pack private (only yours), public (released on my google drive/allowed to try submitting to MAS's official github), or public but only after you've had it privately for a certain period of time
and that's it! you'll have a nice and pretty spritepack for yourself!